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Financial Planners


Morgans Financial Limited

Christopher Power | Stockbroker / Senior Financial Adviser

"I believe in the benefits of building long term partnerships by providing carefully considered and objective advice on all Investments and Strategy to improve your quality of life."

Christopher utilizes his interpersonal skills to gain an understanding of your situation and then applying fundamental and technical analysis to construct an appropriate strategy to meet your specific needs. He believes in building long-term partnerships by providing a wide range of strategies to assist his clients in achieving their goals now and into the future.

Industry Education and Experience
Bachelor of Commerce (Applied Finance and Financial Planning)

ASIC approved competencies
Securities                            Life Insurance
Managed Investment             Financial Planning
Superannuation                    Margin Lending
Derivatives Level 1               

Christopher Power | Stockbroker / Senior Financial Adviser
Morgans Financial Limited 
Suite 12 10 - 12 Woodville Street Hurstville NSW 2220
T +61 02 9570 5755 | F +61 02 9570 4548 | M +61 0411 801 800
Website: www.morgans.com.au/hurstville 



Blue Summit Financial Solutions

Benjamin Graham
Certified Financial Planner

Telephone: 1300 258 786
Website: www.bluesummit.com.au

Sydney CBD
Level 29, 135 King Street

By Appointment

Suite 8/64 Croydon Street